Monday, February 15, 2010

2-13-10, 2-14-2010 bareback ride

So I rode today; it was the first time in foreverdue to wet ground, snow, ice, etc. So instead of saddling up Diamond, I just hoped on her bareback and slipped on her hackamore (which meant no tiedown!!). Everything was going fine until she decided to rear. She reared twice, I got off backed her up and got back on. She reared again twice. I'm not one to smack or use a crop, but I smacked her shoulder and tried backing her up. She reared again. I went to the barn and grabbed a crop and got back on. When she reared again, I smacked her with the crop on the shoulder and backed her up. She reared again and it felt like she waas going to flip over on me. I got off, backed her up, and lunged her. I ended on a good note after that, but still feel defeated as she is now "dominate" over me when I ride her bareback. I hope we can over come this obstcale.

Valentine's Day.
It was a great day, until my neighbor passed away. I couldn't ride today due to the snow on the ground and it was just too wet. It was hard to hear that my neighbor, who we had known for over 20 years, had died. My parents are not taking it so well.